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Tomb of the Unknown Composer
(Le Tombeau du Compositeur Inconnu)
  for Orchestra

Original string trio September 11--November 15, 2010;
revised and orchestrated Dec. 17 2024--February 22, 2025
Duration: about 19  minutes

For the recording and video of the original string trio, please go to its web page

Full Score, PDF          Parts (f&b, 8.5"x11")     Coverpicture of tomb

I. Prélude   [7:13]                                                

   An Excellent Tempo
II. Dr. Albert Hofmann's Bike Ride [6:10] 
   Toccata velocipedia

III. Pavane pour en Enfant Terrible  [5:52] 

        Originally composed as a trio for violin, viola, and cello, this work was intended as a sketch for the first three movements of a symphony, which would have an extra movement as a finale. Soon after finishing the trio, I came down with a lingering case of bronchitis, which eventually morphed into bronchiectasis, and I abandoned the larger scale version. In December 2024, after two title changes, I finally set about revising and then orchestrating the trio.

        This piece harks back to Ravel’s Le Tombeau de Couperin mostly to take advantage of the cool title, and to point out the presumption of composers like myself who labor in almost total obscurity. Ravel took great liberties with the form, and I do the same. I don’t include any of Ravel’s music explicitly in this piece, as taking the title is sufficient larceny. My debt to Ravel is in the fabric of most of my music.

        The second movement's title refers to the famous bicycle ride of Dr. Albert Hofmann, respected Swiss chemist, who took the world's first acid trip in 1943. He died at age 102 in 2008. The music approximates a toccata.

        The third movement, despite its title (Pavane pour un enfant terrible) taken from Ravel’s Pavane pour une infante défunte, is one of the most serious and dark movements I’ve written.


Performance notes

        Tomb of the Unknown Composer is scored for two flutes (second flute doubles piccolo), two oboes, clarinets, and bassoons, four horns, two trumpets, two trombones, bass trombone, tuba, timpani, and strings. The third movement does not include the second oboe, trumpets, trombones, and bass trombone.


cover art: Greenwood Memorial Park, Centralia, WA, The Daily Chronicle, 3/10/2017