Lab Pictures 10
March 1, 2009;
NCSU, Raleigh and TUNL, Duke, Durham NC
At the end of the last gallery I showed spray painting the sphere to avoid dusty ceramic; however the earlier layers of clay did not adhere well enough to itself to withstand the slight shrinkage of this hard boron nitride (BN) paint, and so afterwards I had to take it all off down to the metal and spray with the BN paint, shown below.
Also there has been some problems with the homemade connectors that link the coax from the magnetrons to the antennas. I filled them with hot glue, which is very easy to not only make but also disassemble. However sometimes the surface would ignite and make a real mess. Thus I've added a layer of porcelain and coated that with BN paint.
Finally after months of anticipation and preparation, the experiment moved to the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) at Duke University, about a half hour drive away. This is necessary because the goal of the device is to generate neutrons from deuterium via fusion reactions; even a modest success could be dangerous and thus the reactor must be run in a place with good shielding. I have the electronics and controls in one room and feed cables through a thick wall to the target room, used for TUNL's 10 MV accelerator. When time comes to run with deuterium, TUNL has very good equipment for measuring any neutrons that might be produced. I am also concerned with x-rays since the aluminum sphere is essentially transparent to anything over about 30 kV.